Quentin Shaw

PhD MSc BSc (Hons) CEng PrEng FICE FSAAE
Quentin is a consulting engineer specialising in concrete and RCC dams. He is currently Vice-President of ICOLD representing the Africa zone and served two terms as Chairman of SANCOLD. He is Vice-Chairman of ICOLD’s Committee on Concrete Dams and was the lead author of ICOLD Bulletin 177 on RCC dams, published in 2020.
Quentin is a consulting engineer specialising in concrete and RCC dams. He is currently Vice-President of ICOLD representing the Africa zone and served two terms as Chairman of SANCOLD. He is Vice-Chairman of ICOLD’s Committee on Concrete Dams and was the lead author of ICOLD Bulletin 177 on RCC dams, published in 2020.
Quentin has published extensively and in July 2018 received the ICOLD Innovation Award for his ground-breaking work on the early thermo-mechanical behaviour of RCC in large dams.
He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) and a Fellow of the South African Academy of Engineering.