Preliminary Program

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Pre-conference Tour
0800 - 1800 Pre-conference Tours
Pre-conference Masterclass
0730 Registration Opens

Engineering Geological Models for Dams

Facilitator: Greg Dryden, Sunwater Mark Eggers, PSM
Ian Shipway, EDG Consulting
Fred Baynes, Baynes Geologic
1000 Morning Refreshments

Engineering Geological Models for Dams continued

Facilitator: Greg Dryden, Sunwater Mark Eggers, PSM
Ian Shipway, EDG Consulting
Fred Baynes, Baynes Geologic
1230 Lunch

Concrete Dams

Facilitator: Yvette Collins, SMEC Quentin Shaw, ARQConsulting / Vice-President of ICOLD
Tim Dolen, RCC/Mass Concrete Dam Specialist - Dolen and Associates, Colorado USA
David Ryan, Principal Consulting Civil Engineer - Dams and Infrastructure
1500 Afternoon Refreshments

Concrete Dams continued

Panel Session
1700 Masterclass close
1730 - 1900 Adelaide Oval Stadium Tour (optional)
1900 - 2100 Welcome Reception, Adelaide Oval, John Halbert Room
Day 1: Technical Program
0800 Registration
Exhibition Opens
0900 Welcome and Conference Opening
0930 Keynote Presentation
An ICOLD Perspective on Dams

Quentin Shaw, ARQConsulting Quentin is a consulting engineer specialising in concrete and RCC dams. He is currently Vice-President of ICOLD representing the Africa zone and served two terms as Chairman of SANCOLD. Read More →
Quentin's attendance supported by

Young Professionals (YP) Update

Brandon Pearce, ANCOLD Young Professionals Group National Convenor
1030 Welcome Reception Sponsor Address
1035 Morning Refreshments
1115 Keynote Presentation
Kara Price, RBC Capital Markets Kara is a Managing Director leading RBC’s Australian renewables and energy transition investment banking practice in Sydney. Read More →

Proposed changes to the AFC Guidelines

Peter Hill, HARC
1230 Lunch
1245 Young Professionals (YP) Mentoring Lunch
1400 Dam Hydrology and Hydraulics Tailings Dams

Is conventional hydrological calibration methodology fully reliable for estimating extreme events? Application to six catchments in VIC

Monte Azmi SMEC

Estimation of TSF decant pond behaviour using remote sensing data and unsupervised machine learning algorithms

Arianna Onate PaladinesWSP

Exploring the Order of Magnitude Impact of PLL to the Distribution of Rainfall Downstream of a Dam

Edward Funnell HARC

Design Considerations for a Thickened Tailings Storage Facility

Zerui Lu ATC Williams

The impact of climate change on overtopping risks

Michelle Ho The University of Melbourne

Vibration Induced Tailings Liquefaction

Yuqi Tan ATC Williams

Optimising stilling basins: lessons from the Somerset Dam physical model

Ben Modra UNSW Water Research Laboratory

Tailings dams governance – differences and similarities between Australia and Brazil

Camila Lebron GHD

Incorporating climate change into dam safety standards

Chris Nielsen Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water

Use of a physically based erosion breach model for water and tailings dams within a probabilistic framework

Luke Palmen KCB

Quantifying variability in dam inflows and coincident flows using stochastic transposition of storms

Matthew Scorah HARC

Quantitative Risk Assessment for Tailings Dams: Regulatory Compliance and Beyond

Arezoo Farhadi ATC Williams
1530 Afternoon Refreshments
1600 - 1730 Dam Hydrology and Hydraulics Dam Safety Management Guidelines & Regulation

Operational flood forecasting system requirements for gated and non-gated dams for non-structural risk reduction

Richard Mannix HARC

Do New Zealand’s Potential Impact Categories and their boundaries inform the right risk decisions?

Thomas Fritz Riley Consultants

Levee Breach Consequence Assessment

Andrew Northfield HARC

Risk Metrics for Decision Makers: Simple graphics to present dam portfolio status

Patrick Lyden SMEC

High Labyrinth Weirs with High Heads – Wall pressures could be lower than you think – Prado Dam Spillway – A Case Study

Mike Phillips US Army Corps of Engineers

Community engagement key to improving public safety outcomes

Letisha Lim Sunwater

1929 Failure of Briseis Dam–Lessons for dam break modelling using contemporary methods

Karl Velasco SMEC

Governance Forums for Dam Safety Programs: What does good look like?

Chris Topham GHD

Benchmarking the use of physical models for breach estimation

Hench Wang HARC

Are the new ALARP guidelines more conservative than standards based criteria?

Sam Taubert GHD

Advances in 2D/3D Fluid-Solid Numerical Coupling for Rock Scour and Dam Safety Assessments

Erik Bollaert AquaVision engineering Sàrl

Publicly Sharing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Inundation Maps and Risk Information

Rebecca Ragon US Army Corps of Engineers
1800 - 2100 Young Professional (YP) Networking Night, Archie Brothers
Day 2: Technical Program
0700 - 0830 Women in Large Dams (WILD) Breakfast
0800 Registration
Exhibition Opens

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) panel discussion

Jodie Kilpatrick, SLR Consulting

Yuqi Tan, ATC Williams
Aida Gibbons, Southern Rural Water
Julian Rojas Martinez, GHD

Significant changes to the Dam Safety Management Guidelines

David Stewart, Australian Dams & Water Consultants
1030 Morning Refreshments
1100 Dam Engineering Theory & Practice Dam Safety Management Guidelines & Regulation

Nonstationary Flood Frequency Analysis with the Bayesian Estimation and Fitting Software, RMC-BestFit

Haden Smith US Army Corps of Engineers

The calibration of LifeSim to the 2011 Grantham life loss disaster

Fatima Azhar HARC

Risk-based dam safety review – special considerations for flood retarding basins and small embankments

Rebecca Allan GHD

Integrating emergency response actions into an RMC-LifeSim potential loss of life assessment

Sammy Gibbs Entura, Hydro Tasmania

A Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Key Factors Influencing PLL Estimates

Yanni Wang HARC

Targeted and Customised Engineering Assessments Benefits and how it drives Risk-Informed Decision-making – Upper Nepean Dams Case Study

Hetal Parmar WaterNSW

Monitoring of temperature rise and crack control in concrete dams and appurtenant structures caused by restrained deformation during hydration process

Ernest Wijesinghe SMEC

How do we assign PAR? A critical assessment of threshold levels

Nicholas Thomas-Kinsella GHD

Bringing the background into the foreground: an examination of the usefulness of considering background flood risk impacts due to dam upgrades

Ella Nicholas, Samuel Holden GHD

U.S. Department of the Interior's Dam Safety Programs

Timothy Tochtrop U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Dealing with vertex perplexity in parabolic interpolation of design rainfall

Richard Sharpe Sunwater

Detailed method for assessing severity of environmental impacts

Kapil Singh Aurecon
1230 Lunch
1330 Dam Engineering Theory & Practice Dam Foundations

Imperative loads on dams: The crucial role of accurate water loads modelling in the static and dynamic behaviour of concrete dams

Radin Espandar, Lasal Fernando Mott Macdonald

Challenges and lessons learned from the preparation of the rock foundation for the construction of Charleston Dam

Tom Gersekowski GHD

Putting together the puzzle for Dam Consequence Assessments

Maria Mccrann, Michael Yule Spiire

Cross-Valley Deformation Behaviour of an Embankment Dam founded on Extremely Weathered Granodiorite

Ramin Raeesi AECOM

Torsion: The Silent Killer of Intake Towers

Francisco Lopez SMEC

Rock Mass Characterisation of the Foundation of an Existing Mass Concrete Dam - Making the Most of Limited Historical Data

Taylor Winckle, Gregory Dryden Sunwater

An evidence based rapid reliability assessment method for gated control structures and outlet works

Jackson Wilson HARC

Structural Risk Reduction Measures Based on Grouting High Viscosity Resins: The Spanish Practice Applied Worldwide

Manuel Membrillera, Antonio Vaquero GHD, HCC

Anchors – Using “Better than Nothing” to Predict the Probability of Failure and Forecast Repairs

Jake Gallup GHD

Application of Geotechnical baseline reports in Dam Procurement and Construction

James Toose AECOM
1500 Afternoon Refreshments
1530 - 1700

'Never the same dam twice' panel discussion

1830 - 2300 Conference Dinner, ACC
Day 3: Technical Program
0800 Registration
Exhibition Opens
0900 Dam Engineering Theory & Practice Asset Lifecycle

Large earthquake recurrence in the Snowy Monaro region: new findings to inform dam safety

Jonathan Griffin Geoscience Australia

RCC Mix Design for Burdekin Falls Dam Raising and Improvement Project

Mehdi Afshar, Steve Tatro, James Hinds Sunwater, USACE

Use of Geophysical Investigations to optimise remediation work for a Reservoir

Sujatha Manoj Beca

Risk, performance and unknowns, a methodology for prioritisation of a dam safety review program

Sean Gottschling Hydro Tasmania

Backward Erosion Piping Failure of Swift No. 2 Dam

Nason McCullough Jacobs

Cataract Dam and other spillway assets- Automated data driven condition assessment of the concrete assets using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Harsh Rathod, Hetal Parmar Niricson, WaterNSW

Nation-wide exposure of Australian dams to earthquake hazards

Mark Quigley The University of Melbourne

Construction of the Site C Hydroelectric Project in Canada

Joaquín Jiménez Acciona

Implications of large changes in national seismic hazard updates in Australia in 2018/2023 and New Zealand in 2022

Paul Somerville AECOM

Callide Dam: Gates Actuation System Upgrade and Reliability Improvement

Teera Srital-on SMEC

Seismic Performance of Cardinia Dam

Stephen Chia AECOM

Dam decommissioning: Cost, benefit and risk considerations

Josh Kline GHD
1030 Morning Refreshments
1100 Dam Engineering Theory & Practice Rapid Fire Session

Enhanced Stability Analyses and Pore Water Pressure Prediction during Rapid Reservoir Drawdown: A Case Study of Prospect Dam

Reza Mahinroosta GHD

CVC Mix Design for Burdekin Falls Dam Raising and Improvement Project

John Potts, Daryl Brigden John Potts Pty Ltd, Daryl Brigden Consultant

Site C Clean Energy Project, Design and Construction Overview

Jeremy Bruce Klohn Crippen Berger

The development of a dam safety investment strategy for New South Wales

Mark Pearce HARC

Mapping of the Phreatic Surface in Tailings Dams with Muography

Asbjorn Christensen mDetect

Some considerations on groundwater flow through embankment dams and corresponding piezometric data interpretation

Sonia Fortuna Goulburn-Murray Water

Combining Failure Modes and Portraying Risk Estimates

David Margo US Army Corps of Engineers

What lies beneath: Case studies of foundation interpretation at two historic weirs

Monique Eggenhuizen GHD

Hydrologic Time Travel

Hugh Nguyen-Mallen SMEC

An innovative web-based approach for Portfolio Dam Safety Emergency Plans

Josh Clark Tasmanian Irrigation

Measuring the Implementation of a Dam Safety Program

Jacob Davis, Rebecca Ragon US Army Corps of Engineers

Dissent, Consensus, and Quantum Mechanics in Dam Safety Decision Making for Seismic Risks

Dom Galic Bureau of Reclamation

Response of levee infrastructure to Cyclone Gabrielle, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, and lessons learned to inform future flood management

Tim Morris Tonkin + Taylor
1200 Lunch

Keynote Presentation
Hold your breath – renewing assets in deep water

Peter Ivanac, Total Marine Technology
Michael Hill, SGS Sydney Diving
1430 Young Professional Best Paper Award, with thanks to our sponsor

Conference Close
1500 Afternoon Refreshments
1530 - 1630 AGM
1630 - 1730 End of Conference Get Together